Fan tan PH777 is not a difficult game to play but extremely simple for beginners. The attraction here is the way to play with new daisy seeds that do not overlap with any other game. Above all, when playing, you also discover many secrets for a perfect experience. Please refer to the game in more detail with the dealer below.

Overview of the game Fan tan PH777

Fan tan PH777 is played with a special set of beads, chopsticks and a lid. There is no specific number of beads.

Overview of the game Fan tan PH777
Overview of the game Fan tan PH777

When playing, the dealer will divide a number of seeds into a lid. Players will bet on the number of seeds taken from this lid. The seeds will be divided into groups of 4 for easy counting.

Whoever guesses the correct number wins the game. There are also other interesting bets for you to place at the same time.

Such as odd-even bets, Kwok bets, Fan bets and many other doors. Any member who guesses the same bet door will get a lot of bonus for himself.

Rules for beginners to understand about Fan tan PH777

To participate in Fan tan, you must know the rules of the game in detail and accurately. PH777 clearly gives you the betting rules of a game as follows.

Rules for beginners to understand about Fan tan PH777
Rules for beginners to understand about Fan tan PH777

Number of people at the same betting table

This game has no limit on the number of betting members at one time. An optimal table can be from 2 to 6 people or more. Therefore, anyone betting is free to choose a table to play conveniently.

Specific Fan tan PH777 betting rules

First, the dealer will distribute the seeds through a cup by using the lid to flip it over. At this time, the player will judge the number of seeds in the cup and place bets on the doors on the table. You can bet according to the calculation of 2 doors or more or bet all.

In Fan tan PH777, there are chopsticks to arrange the beads in rows for easy counting. When everyone finishes betting, the dealer will use chopsticks to separate and arrange the beads in groups of 4. When finished, the system will automatically count the beads and give the final result.

If any seeds are dropped during the separation or counting phase, the dealer will have to start over. The bet will be canceled and the player can place a new bet according to the correct procedure. 

How to distinguish the exact victory

Players only need to guess correctly the bets they place to win Fan tan PH777. The bonus is paid according to the odds set at the doors. At the same time, those who lose the bet will lose the capital they placed before.

Recommended bets when playing at PH777

With this betting game you will be able to play with suitable betting options. PH777 bookmaker offers some easy-to-win options as follows.

Recommended bets when playing at PH777
Recommended bets when playing at PH777
  • Odd/Even Bet: This means you will guess the final result of Fan tan PH777 is odd or even. With this bet, players can easily win at the dream rate of 1:1.
  • Fan Door: This is a single bet for those who like to guess specific numbers. Here, it will be divided into 1 Fan to 4 Fans and also play with the same rules as usual. However, the payout rate is higher than the remaining doors. This means it will be more difficult to judge and you have to be careful when choosing.
  • Choose Kwok: Players will bet on two numbers at the same time instead of choosing one number. Of course, with this bet, when you win, you will get the highest payout.
  • Nim Bet: In this bet, members will play like Kwok bet. However, you will be able to bet on a tie to increase your chances of winning Fan tan PH777.

Promotions when participating in betting for members

Coming to this betting game, everyone will be able to participate in extremely special promotions. If you are new, please refer to some of the following incentives.

  • Top up and get 100% bonus on the first card value and 30% on the second. This is a beneficial program that everyone should join.
  • Give players some giftcodes depending on how they receive them. The value can be 10, 20, 30 or 500, 1000. You can participate in each program to receive the most suitable and valuable giftcode.
  • In Fan tan PH777, there is also a bonus of 0.2% or more in cashback for those who lose bets. Members should take advantage of this to find benefits every time they bet. You will definitely not lose too much in the house.

The Perfect Participation Secret to Winning Constantly

Playing Fan tan PH777 is like other betting games that require knowing the secret to winning. Experts understand that, so they have passed on to new players a few tips below. Consider applying them effectively in each bet.

The Perfect Participation Secret to Winning Constantly
The Perfect Participation Secret to Winning Constantly

Observe and choose the exit with the most number of exits.

The secret to winning easily for members is to choose the door that appears frequently in the bets. You should observe continuously from 5 games or more to determine more accurately. At the same time, try to flexibly rotate the betting door when there is a change.

Accordingly, when entering Fan tan PH777, you must also have your own calculations in each game. You should not choose the least doors to avoid losing the chance to win. Besides, you can also mark some lucky doors to play effectively.

Bet within your bankroll 

Participating in Fan tan PH777, everyone should also consider their own capital. You should not bet big or bet all your money on the same bet.

Instead, you can implement a strategy of dividing your money to play. At the same time, you should carefully control your capital and bet within your means.

Next, if you are not sure, stop to preserve your capital. Especially, you should not play with negative money to avoid affecting your capital. 

Consult with experts at PH777

To play more effectively, you should also refer to the way of playing from some Fan tan PH777 experts. Players should find those who have a lot of experience and guide you carefully.

Especially can share many good tips for choosing the door. When necessary, members should also bet with them to bring luck to themselves.

However, you must have a reasonable analysis, do not rely too much. If you want to play safely, players should decide on their own bets first and then consult more.

Concentrate on betting judgment 

When playing Fan tan PH777, you must focus on the betting options to choose the right one. Above all, do not neglect any option but know how to seize the opportunity to win.

Concentration also helps players stay alert to bet more easily. At the same time, it gives you more confidence in your decisions.

Use the strategy of playing 2 doors at the same time

To increase the chance of winning big, members can use the 2-door playing strategy. This helps you mobilize capital faster and more reasonably.

Limit the case of losing all the bet money. Above all, betting on 2 doors at the same time is also easier for newbies. However, choose the doors that bring the highest winnings.

See more: PH777 online Cards game – The more you play, the more gifts you receive


Fan tan PH777 has many advantages along with good gameplay for you to experience. Players who want to bet effectively should learn the betting method and effective tips. From there, apply it to the bets and find victory for yourself every time. You will have a lot of luck as well as high benefits when playing.

About Author

Ceo Kenny Okada at PH777
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In the corporate landscape, few leaders inspire as much as Kenny Okada, CEO of PH777. His unwavering dedication to excellence is evident in every facet of the organization.